Monday, March 23, 2009

I've Been Blogged, And I Love It!

Twice !!! :-D

Both times by my good friend Karley Ziegler-Mott on her blog The Chic & Green.

Here's Part One, a write up of the soap that we collaborated on that she will be selling in her online shop KZM Facial Care Boutique.

Soap Talk, Part One

And here's part 2, where she tells the world how WONDERFUL some of my other soaps are! I should be paying her a commission, don't you think??

Soap Talk, Part Two

Thank you, Karley!! I know your shop will be a big hit on 1000Markets! I wish you many customers that are as good to you as you are to me. :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring is Coming Soap Sale !!

Tues. March 17 and Wed. March 18

Can't you just feel it, that beautiful spring air! It's coming, it's going to melt that snow and ice, and before you know the daffodils will be blossoming!

And to celebrate, I am having a soap sale!

Beginning Tuesday, March 17, for two days, buy three or more soaps from Aunt Nancy's on Etsy, and I will send you a FREE bar of soap of your choice!

Choose from any of my multiple soap listings. "You Pick 3" for $14.00 and get 4 bars of soap, "You Pick 4" for $18.00 and get 5 bars of soap, or my super duper always running special with free shipping and a free lip balm "You Pick 5" for $25.00, and get 6 bars of soap!

Choose any combination of soaps. Just list your choice of soaps in the Buyer's Comment section when purchasing any of the multiple listings, and be sure to list your choice for your FREE bar of soap! Please feel free to email me with any questions.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Farmers Market Report

Saturday was an absolutely gorgeous day in Tucson! I did pretty good at the farmers market, thanks to a couple of jewelry sales. I sold this necklace, to a visitor from Minnesota. It looked grand on her!

And I sold this bracelet to a visitor from Germany!

The best seller in soap was the Sandalwood Bay.